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  • Yan Xu, Wang Yu, Cuo Zhang, Zhengmao Li, “Coordination of Distributed Energy Resources in Microgrids: optimization, control, and hardware-in-the-loop validation,” (published), 2021.
  • Yan Xu, Zhengmao Li, Xue Feng, Yumin Chen, “Optimally Coordinated Operation of a Combined-Heat-and-Electrical Microgrid with Multi-Energy Demand Response” (chapter 15) for the book “Coordinated Operation and Planning of the Modern Heat and Electricity Incorporated Networks”, in Wiley-IEEE Press, 2022.
  • Zhengmao Li, Yan Xu, Lei Wu, “Creating a Greener Shipping Industry with a Multi-energy Solution”, Innovation spotlight for the IEEE Xplore, 2021.